Programming Language Agnostic Naming Conventions

Programming Language Agnostic Naming Conventions

Posted 2023-10-15


There is a famous quote when it comes to naming things in programming, which is attributed to Phil Karlton

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things"

(Or the slight variation of "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors")

But over the last few decades there are definitely a few common conventions. Using standard names for things frees up time to work on tougher problems than naming, and means future readers of your code can probably understand the concept better.

Why we spend time naming things correctly

If you see a variable called isActive, you can probably assume it is a boolean. active or ok are not clear.

General rules to follow

Avoid Negative variable names:

Negative names can lead to double negatives, which are confusing.

  • Bad 👎: isWithoutAuth
  • Good 👍: isAuthenticated

Avoid abbreviations

Abbreviations can be ambiguous - not everyone will interpret it as the same meaning. Just use the full word, it is clearer.

(Although id is probably an exception where it should always be used over identification).

  • Bad 👎: calcAmt
  • Good 👍: calculateAmount

Pick a language and always use that

If you work in a modern company then it is likely you work with people originally from various countries around the world. It can be easy to end up with a codebase with a mix of words like color and colour.

I'd recommend just picking US spelling in your code (even if the app is localised only for a UK or AU audiece)

  • Bad 👎: productColour
  • Good 👍: productColor

Make booleans obvious by using is/has prefix

If you name something hasSubscription, it is quite obvious that it is a boolean. Try to always do this, as something like subscription could read as if it wasn't a boolean

  • Bad 👎: active

  • Good 👍: isActive

  • Bad 👎: subscription

  • Bood: hasSubscription

Avoid generic names

Words like value, data, item are too generic. Try to avoid these terms

  • Bad 👎: item
  • Good 👍: product

Aim for consistency

Pick a convention for naming things, and use those everywhere.calculateAmount

  • Bad 👎: saveUserDetails and fetchUserRow
  • Good 👍: saveUserDetails and fetchUserDetails

Also pick a style for casing, and be sure you're consistent with it. Here are some examples (there might be other typical conventions for your library/language of choice)

  • PascalCase for class names
  • camelCase for most other variables
  • UPPER_CASE for static constants

Common names for specific things


If you're taking some data and transforming it to a different shape or different values then transformer is a common and accurate name.

✅ copied
// take a single CSV line, return object with id/name/amount function csvLineTransformer(csvLineInput: string) { const fieldValues = csvLineInput.split(',') return { id: fieldValues[0], name: fieldValues[1], amount: fieldValues[2] } }


If you need to check if data is valid/correct, then its almost always called a validator.

// throw error if validation issue function validateUser(formData) { if(!formData.username) throw new Error('Validation missing username') if(formData.username.length > 25) throw new Error('Validation username is too long') }


Used when describing the shape of some data structure. Often used with database designs.

class UserSchema { public username: string; public password: string; }


When you need to take some data (e.g. some string) and understand its own data structure. They are quite different things, parsers and transformers can sometimes be very related

✅ copied
function parseURL(url) { const regex = /^(?:(\w+):\/\/)?([^\/:]+)?(?::(\d+))?([\/\w.-]*)?$/; const matches = url.match(regex); return { protocol: matches[1], hostname: matches[2], port: matches[3], pathname: matches[4] }; }


For code that runs 'between' different parts of your application. A typical use for middleware is in HTTP servers the incoming HTTP request can go through multiple middlewares to either transform the incoming data (before passing to next one or final endpoint handler function) or to do something with that data

function loggerMiddleware(req, res, next) { console.log(`Incoming request for ${req.url}`); next(); // Process the next middleware })


When you have some functionality with a specific interface, and you need to convert it to another interface/shape.

It is also known as a 'wrapper' (or a bridge, although that is technically a slightly different thing)


When you need to make data uniform in scale, format, or structure

function normalizeEmail(email: string): string { return email.toLowercase().trim() }

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